
4 Tips for Attracting the Right Talent to Your Company

Miranda Nicholson
April 20, 2017
Min Read

Did you know that every corporate job opening attracts around 250 resumes, on average? That’s a pretty sizable talent pool for a single position. But, unfortunately, a lot of those resumes are quickly tossed because the candidates are not the right fit for the position or company. So how do you go about attracting talent who is the right fit? With passive candidates making up 70% of the global workforce, it’s not an easy job. But there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of snagging great employees. Here are 4 job recruiting tips to help you fill your company with quality talent:

#1: Encourage Employee Referrals

According to LinkedIn’s Global Talent Trends report, people discover new jobs through a referral more than any other avenue. That’s why it’s a good idea for employers to have a formalized employee referral program that encourages employees to recruit qualified friends and family members for open positions. Referred candidates are often the best candidates because they have inside knowledge of what it’s like to work for your company. Additionally, current employees don’t want to ruin their own reputation, so they aren’t likely to refer anyone who isn’t a good fit.

#2: Promote Your Company Culture

By 2025, Millennials will rule the workforce. That means your company should have recruiting tactics in place that focus on attracting this group of talent. But what tactics are best? For starters, 80% of Millennials say that people and culture fit are important factors in their decision to work for a company, so promoting your company culture should be a priority.Social media is a great place to start with promotion of your company culture. Your business should have an active social media presence on all major networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram), and you should encourage employees to promote company news and happenings via their personal networks as well. Allowing potential candidates an inside look at your work environment and culture helps develop your employer branding and weed out applicants who aren’t a good fit.

Employer Branding & Company Culture

Is your company celebrating a birthday? Share photos of the celebration on your social accounts to promote your culture![/caption]

#3: Advertise Openings Appropriately

Another way to attract appropriate job candidates to your company is through relevant advertising of open positions. When advertising your job openings, be sure your employer branding is strong across all postings. Then, consider the most appropriate places to advertise. Social professional networks are the top source of quality job candidates, with internet job boards coming in second.Advertising on a professional network like LinkedIn is a good place to start. You might even be able to seek out passive candidates on this network based on their professional profiles. If you’re looking for candidates from a specific industry or with a distinct skill set, you can try advertising on an industry-specific job board (there are hundreds to choose from!). If you want to hire new graduates for entry-level positions, you should consider participating in career fairs on college campuses.

#4: Maintain an Inviting Website

If someone gets wind of a job opening at your company, one of the first things that person will do is visit your website. Ancient design or slow load speeds will turn off potential applicants. If you don’t want your company to seem out-of-touch or primitive, you have to give your website some love.What does this mean? It means your website should accurately reflect your brand. It should be easy to navigate, and candidates should be able to get answers to their questions about your company’s offerings. It’s also smart to have a dedicated employment or careers page that houses all the information applicants might need to know.

If you’re struggling to attract the right talent to your company, these four job recruiting tips should help you get back on track. Want to learn even more? Click below for some additional advice on succeeding in today’s war on talent.


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Miranda Nicholson
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